Easter Sunday Thoughts During COVID-19 Christina Schollin
Whether you are celebrating Easter today or not, I hope this message finds you and your loved ones safe, healthy, optimistic, and faithfully strong.
Facing these turbulent times with a rested and purposeful mind is so key.
For me, that happens through getting enough sleep, meditating twice per day, stretching and exercising every day, minimizing news and social media to just two fifteen-minute consumption blocks per day, taking two walks per day with Denise, reading spiritual texts and prayer, striving each day to add value and live my purpose ,and talking with family and good-humored friends.
Goodness and Faith My HEART is so full with empathy, compassion and love for all our first responders, to all those who are boldly and courageously out there moving society forward, to anyone who has gotten sick or lost a loved one or job.
Like many of you, I’ve been brought to tears SO MANY times these last few weeks, in both witness to heroism and courage and in compassion for those who’ve been tragically effected.
Honestly, I think that emathy and compassion has been a good thing, even if it leads to ups and downs.
It’s been non-stop free content to the world through my podcasts, socials, courses, guest interviews, industry calls, and YouTube channel.
With all the work I’ve been putting out there, some have worried if I’m ”slowing down enough” or resting enough.
The answer is YES, and I’m feeling 100% blessed, joyful, optimistic, and strong.
Personally, I’ve practiced my high performance habits for so many years that, through normal times or difficult times, I feel the same grounding, motivation, and confidence.
Four things have really helped me stay centered through this time: 1. FAITH I
I’m also so blessed to be surrounded by friends and leaders who are helping me and others practice what we preach and connect to a higher purpose during these turbulent times. It’s been so helpful and healing.
And SOO inspired by how many of you are keeping your faith, diving deep into your soul and connecting again, rekindling your relationship with God, believing in your purposeful destiny, and facing your mortality again with hope, belief, and reverence.
Whether you believe in God or not, please tap into some form of faith in your purpose and future right now. You are not alone; you will be guided; and the future holds good things for you. To my husband: Just like everyone who has been ordered to stay home, we’ve had to find our new rhythm, keep in touch with loved ones, and use our time to focus on health, family, faith, friends, good habits, and purpose.
Every day we talk about our blessings and our love, and it’s kept me positive and motivated.
4. Unstoppable High Standards If you’ve had high standards all your life to be a positive force in other’s lives and you’ve done the personal development work required to be an awesome human, then this is your moment.
I take this moment SUPER seriously.
I think we are all being called to practice what we preach, to serve others, to adapt, to keep our heads up and our hearts open and our feet moving forward.
What we are seeing now is a great divide in how people are approaching crisis.
Some avoid the reality. Some complain and blame and stop. Some refuse to own their responsibilities and excuse their bad behavior and attitude under the umbrella of ”crisis.”
Others recognize the historical moment to show up and choose one’s own attitude and meaning and future.
They choose to connect not disengage.
They face the same dramas and stressors and threats – but they know they can define their own experience and be role models now.
They take the daily time to rest and recover but they also move forward each day, in some way, even if small, just to show themselves they can and just to honor the blessings of life they have.
Despite all the reasons to do otherwise, they choose to have a role model mindset and show up through this thing as their best self, care for others, practice good habits, keep a positive and compassionate attitude.
I’m not saying they are special or lucky, or that that HIGH STANDARD is not difficult to reach every day.
But they TRY, and more often than not, they will feel proud of how they behaved through this difficult moment.
No, high standards are not easy to maintain, now or ever.
But expecting something of our selves through hardship is a good thing and a required thing for adaptability, growth and real contributions.
As I type this, I know there will be the inevitable unconscious reaction from those who say,
”You expect too much from people, People are too hard on themselves, how dare you ask for high standards right now, we should all relax and be allowed to take *months* to chill and reset.”
To this, I say:
OH, you can relax, and you can practice daily wellness, AND you can still fight for your dreams, your family, and earn this LIFE.
Seeking wellness and harmony does not mean stopping growth or progress.
It’s not a binary thing — we can strive with real focus and commitment AND we can be peaceful, harmonious, conscious, and well.
Why do you think we have the phrase ”peaceful warriors?”
Let us be fully alert, aware, and empathetic to these turbulent times.
But let us not be entitled and cast out our response-ability and drown in the pools of collective pessimism.
Let us refuse to adopt the mindset of victims somehow out of any control over our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors – no matter if we are healthy or sick, employed or broke, stuck or thriving, lonely or loved.
Yes, let us be empathetic and thoughtful, but let us not be enabling to poor behavior and low standards of conduct. For if we abandon virtue and command of ourselves now, then what future are we passing to those we love?
There is no escape: We all will remember how our true values and character and abilities show up now.
I’ll say it again…
Yes, it’s HARD to hold yourself to high standards.
Yes, we could shut down our visions, ambitions, dreams, hopes, faith, and daily progress.
But I will not. We will not.
I’m locked down but fired up.
I’m demanding that I keep the role model mindset, skill up, serve strong, and show up every day for you over the long haul.
Because when you are fueled by FAITH, in touch with the blessings of life, showing up for others with a servant’s heart, then you’re fired up, you are purposeful, and for those hardships and sacrifices, you’ll RISE UP.
Love you all.
Keep that head up.
You are stronger than you think, you have guidance, and the future holds good things for you.
Sending love, strength and healthy energy your way,
Fina och kloka tankar. Så tacksam att du delar med dig.
Kärlek och kram från Sandra ❤️
Tack Sandra – för att du tar till dig mina tankar.
Var rädd om dig.