Nyårstankar. Det kom ett mail.

Det kom ett mail till mig från min kära väninna Helena Steiner Hornsteyn. Hon har hjälpt mig många gånger i mitt liv. Hennes nyårs-mail älskar jag att få ta del av. Nu vill jag vidarebefordra detta till er!   Jag visar det i sin helhet – men tag fasta på det som känns bra för just dig. Kanske du t.o.m. vill kontakta henne. Du har alla uppgifter i mailet.

Newsletter 2019 January

     Happy New Year, ”May you now enjoy a Happy New Beginning….” Maybe this is the time to start off with new strength and inspiration and perhaps doing those same things you always did- but a different way. And lo and behold – sometimes this is all that it takes for success to happen!!

     Did you decide to make any changes in your life for this year? According to Google among the most common New Year resolutions are that people want to change their diet and to eat healthier, followed by losing weight, exercising more, stop smoking, drink less and to be healthier on the whole!!!

     This is fantastic news and a surprising change for the better. We now actually care more about the basics how to stay and be well. It used to be resolutions about finding a new home or love or to be financially successful, but now it seems to be about health and wellbeing. Amazing, we have finally come to realize that the most precious thing we can own is about feeling good, learning new skills and to add more quality time to our lives. 

     I feel proud of the new generations setting these new goals. Yes, it has to start with ”me”, whatever has to be, no one else can do it for me. Or simply, you may not have to cook your food, but you have to chew, swallow and digest your own food, no one else can do it for you. Nor can you blame anyone else when things don’t work the way you had expected.

     Maybe it is time for the individual to realize his or her strength, YOUR strength and that you count as an individual. Yes, you count. If your feelings have guided you to do certain things and this sits right
in your heart…Do it, say it, live it!

Many of us have been programmed to be quiet and not to speak up, to believing that the opinion of others was better than yours…when the purpose of the Universe actually is for you to be a Shiny Light both inside out. Be who you really are. Even if you were programmed not to speak up or to have any say, you do, and you can do. I say this in particular to girls and women who many times, according to their culture have been told only to listen to others. If you feel you can and that you have good ideas, start to do something about it.

     The world desperately needs new good ideas and it is time for the feminine, the spiritual energy to be used, not as a dogma but as a loving and constructive energy available to all. Watch your attitudes towards yourself and what you can do. You may actually know certain things better than others who still live in the old establishment of fear and limitation. These are feelings I have gone through myself. When I started to work as a spiritual healer, I had never heard of the word healer or medical intuitive. Heavens no. And for sure I didn’t know that I also was a medium. And suddenly I was told I was all those things and I didn’t understand. ( At that
time there was no www.Google.com to ask.) I just kept on doing what I felt was natural and made me feel good. And without realizing it, I was guided to the right people and situations without ever thinking too much about any limitation.

     Of course, being a novelty at that time, it wasn’t always easy, but it gave me a deep feeling of satisfaction and even power in my heart.
The highest reward of all. And this is available for you too.
     You can have it. Trust your feelings, your intuition and believe in the highest good for your life.

     We were created to be happy, healthy and in balance. Not to be sick, poor and unhappy. Throw out the fear if you feel it has a hold on you. Set positive priorities in your life. Positive for you and also for others. It will make a difference – to you and to others and your world will feel like a better place.

     I do psychic healing or coaching sessions daily with someone in the world – over skype or over the telephone. (Several years ago, I was ranked one of the top four psychic healers in the world). In fact, I psychically ”see” you better over the telephone. When I see you in person, I may get distracted by your clothes or some other energy you picked up on the way. According to quantum physics, everything is energy and here and now. And the Spirit is energy in action. Once you know the technique how to use the spiritual formula it is so easy to understand the many possibilities available to you/us for a better life.

Wishing you all the best for 2019!


Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn
For appointments, email:
 drhelenainfo@yahoo.com OR activale@gmail.com 
(if you don’t get a reply, write again. Sometimes emails get lost)

Homepage: www.activale.com
Radioshow: www.blogtalkradio.com/helena

Award Winning Books: The White Light – A limitless Reality, Constant Awakening

ACTIVALE Institute, Sarasota, Florida /USA
P.O. Box 315, Tallevast, FL. 34270



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Om Christina Schollin

Christina Schollin är skådespelerska, Entreprenör och MÅBRA-Ambassadör, med en inre skönhet och mognad, som smittar av sig.Christina, som nu mer och mer växlar in på allt som har med livskvalitet att göra. Från skönhets-produkter, vitaminpreparat, anti-aging-business till livsfilosofi. Hon delar gärna med sig - och ger andra människor en möjlighet att förändra sina liv. Våga Vara ett Föredöme!

2 svar på ”Nyårstankar. Det kom ett mail.

  1. Wow vilket mail du fått av din goda vän och så fint att vi får ta del av det med ???

    Tar fasta på en del som känns bra för mig.

    Må så gott
    Kram Sandra

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